Uma boa dica!

186 Comentários

A hora da refeição é sempre muito importante e na idade que as gémeas estão, sem cadeiras da papa é muito complicado.

Quando vamos de fim-de-semana as coisas para levar na mala já são mais que muitas por isso temos de simplificar ao máximo e só levar o essencial, não dá para grandes invenções.

No entanto, brinquedos e roupa não podem faltar!

Hoje quero vos mostrar um presente que recebi e que adorei, umas forras para colocar numa cadeira normal para as bebés comerem fora de casa.

Este fim-de-semana trouxe estas forras e digo já que fiquei fã, dão muito jeito e são super práticas, não ocupam espaço e deixam-nos muito mais à vontade na hora das refeições.

Vejam que vale mesmo a pena, são da MadaInLisbon e são top!

Siga-me também no facebook e no Instagram!


Fim-de-semana grande com as gémeas!
As gémeas e o Spot!
186 Comentários
  • Ana de Pinto e Mello


    Olá, Mariana! As suas bebés estão muito fofas na foto, mas o babete que têm colocado é enorme e não deixa ver bem como funcionam as forras… se fosse possível colocar outra foto onde se visse melhor era óptimo.

    • Mariana Seara Cardoso

      Olá Ana,
      Vou tirar mais fotografias. 🙂
      Obrigada e beijinhos

      • Ana de Pinto e Mello

        Sim, agradeço! Parecem ser extremamente práticas e fáceis de usar… a bolsinha é separada ou incorporada na forra? Já vi que a marca tem página no facebook, mas existe loja “física”?
        Bj e obrigada

        • Mariana Seara Cardoso

          É tudo a mesma peça, é mesmo top! 🙂
          É só loja online.

          • Lainey

            As Charlie Sheen says, this article is “WNINING!”

        • Espn

          What a beautiful wedding ceremony. Devin, Our Heavenly Father has Blessed you with a Beautiful Queen to Protect, Provide, & Prosper with, be Blessed. Kenisha, I’ve watched you grow up into a beautiful yonug lady. Honor, Obey, and Respect your “House Born#d&e8221;, Devin, a servant of God and the cornerstone of your new family. May God Bless and Prosper your covenant.

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        Just like Bush. Neither do you Pat. You know that the zionist owned media and the world bank are using your proogram to prop up this long planned carefully played out plan to destroy this country. I can guarantee you you will still be here not in some heaven when the smoke clears.


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        Smart thinking – a clever way of looking at it.


        Thanks all! He never did get better. He gets his last chance next week (and only got that many because I couldn’t get in with my regular and amazing PT!)


        That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.


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        Vous ne trouvez pas qu’il a un peu de ventre Federer ? Pas un commentaire sur le sujet alors qu’on se moquait régulièrement de l’allure physique de Nalbandian… Et je trouve vraiment qu’il est moins léger dans ses déplacements. Négligeant sur ces petits pas qui font le grand tennis !


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        You’ve got it in one. Couldn’t have put it better.


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        Hey Amber, what a beautiful post and thought. I agree. Being a stay at home mom is So hard, usually thankless, and the only thing in the world I’d want be doing right now!


        Wow, that’s a really clever way of thinking about it!


        You keep it up now, understand? Really good to know.


        Comme quoi le Christ est endurant et peut supporter les derniers outrages. C’était pas la peine de faire tout un caca nerveux avec Piss Christ, l’an dernier.


        Just wanted to say that I just stumbled on this and I do the same exact thing to get my almost 2 year old to “stay”. Everything thinks it’s hilarious that I let her brush her teeth to get her to cooperate. Too funny


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        Nice vid as usuall.think those arms getting bigger broh!Really nice job in so short of time.. genetics baby!Keep uploading clips, you are a great inspiration.Even though im sick n can’t train for a few weeks:( , but it’s nice to have something inspiring to watch and something that makes me more motivated to come back.Peace kevWilliam from Sweden


        Thought it wouldn’t to give it a shot. I was right.


        Fayetteville needs a new logo. It should be a gigantic apartment complex soaring out-of-sight into the sky. Of course, it would have the words “ecco” somewhere on the complex’s name.


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        Wow what a story! Good job not passing out or throwing up. I see others are upset about not having pictures, but I for one am glad you didn’t stop to take pictures during this crisis. (= I’m glad you’re ok now.


        Can we participate in this from a distance? I live in Britain, and it would be nice if people who can’t be there could send in their ‘lost’ things, and possibly help ‘find’ things as well (not sure how, though, but it’s just a thought)


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        Tiens, heureux de vous revoir, Calvus Mons – même sans italiques (ce qui est d’ailleurs bizarre, puisque la plupart des logiciels de blog l’autorise dans les commentaires…)Par ailleurs, n’est-ce-pas un peu surprenant pour quelqu’un portant votre nom de le voir apparaître uniquement le jour?


        Smart thinking – a clever way of looking at it.


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        Disappopinting result and not a great performance, far too many high balls in the air, and we need to get back to a passing game for Saturday – Ade and Kaiyne looked good when they came on, and lets hope everyone who turned up for the Hythe match comes again on Saturday – and more! Come on you Stones!


        "defapt ar fi mai bine sa va inchida intr-o camera cu trollu ala de Adi,sa va bata la cap "toata ziua"Se vede atitudinea inchizitorie. Deja tanjesti dupa incarcerarea si tortura ateilor? Probabil ca nici nu-ti dai seama :)*back to lurking*


        Ooh that's one scrumptious outfit especially one that's been thrown together at the last second – good grief, amazing!! I adore your new little owl friend and the bathroom is beautiful – so much light! xo


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        Omg, that's so cute : your "Bulbasaur" + THE WAY YOU'RE SAYING IT (shoulders up..and down ! as if it was a scream from your heart (bulbasaur scream aha)) Love your blog though 😉


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        Agreed. Perry is giving Romney a run in the contradictory positions race. Although only Cain can simultaneously hold two or more contradictory positions, which really raises the bar. And moves it a bit closer to the edge of the Grand Canyon.OK, Lea, here you go: .


        A lot of them believe what they do only because its what they swim in.Really, though, if someone swims in a sewer, he's not going to be welcome in my hot tub, either.But you're right, when things that go around, come around, we shouldn't just shove liberals into the metaphorical cement, we should… Oh, what the hell, screw 'em.


        Ich hatte schon im Abschnitt “die Podiumsdiskussion” etwas dazu geschrieben. Nein, er war nicht da. Nach Raths Aussage hatte er aus Termingründen abgesagt. Auch die Spiegel-Redakteure fehlten. Es waren keine geladenen Gäste da, die nicht zu Raths Organisation gehörten.


        We believe that water is essential in carbon-based life because of what we KNOW today in Physics and Biochemistry, and NOT because we know nothing or that we lack imagination, which was the only thing heretics in the early age had–no knowledge and just mere imagination.Acid as a source of life? A fish swimming in the air with no water? Seriously, you people should stop reading too much fairy tales or watching too much of Ben 10 and go to school and have some education. You could use it.


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        Yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby–nice work!


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        Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good information.


        Lisa, I’m never going to get around to making everything you post, can I just move in with you? I love cream puffs, my sister used to make them when we were much younger but she lost her recipe and has never found another one as good as that one. Pinned, and I will be making these. I’d love to be able to tell her “I’ve found it!”


        Ami la pelicula es como no me gusto mucho … pero bueno cada uno tiene su critica… me parecio un poco aburrida… no me impresiono … aunque en partes habia algo bueno … yo esperaba algo mejor … pero bueno sigan asi!… beso!


        While this seems like something generous to do, we are always talking about cutting the budget not growing it with special exemptions for everyone. 1st responders are not high on the list of dangerous jobs that is a myth.. trying working in a steel mill, driving a truck, fishing or construction jobs


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        [..YouTube..] From 491…I’d say that is some great progress. We are so hard on ourselves. That is part of the reason we take to food. We expect a lot and often don’t let ourselves be less than perfect. It’s a bad part of being in a contest. It’s your life and you are doing it for your health so, easy does it. Praise yourself for what you are doing and allow for ups and downs. I am happy losing 1 lb a week. It was faster at first, but it’s ok to go slow. I am looking at 50 lbs in 2012, Eating healthy.


        Thanks for helping me to see things in a different light.


        Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!


        faut se dans l,encadré de ton image officielle, en dessous en petit c’ets écrit «n’utiliser pas cette image» l’ai pas fait mais ça devrait mettre «à vide»..R2: Pour l’avoir fait, il faut créer un 2è émail, valider comme principal. L’autre sera inactif.., tu pourras le détruire. Le reste, si problème, ecris-leur, c’est pas notre spécialité, on tâte pour le découvrir aussi..;)


        That last comment was mine. Sorry about the long username. I used my AIM username, Empirical Liberal, with OpenID, not realizing the long random screen name that would result. I won't be doing that again.

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    The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.



    You know what’s funny? I was going through my reader and this popped up and the first thing I thought was “I should email Mike about this!”Then I looked and saw it was FROM you.Mark sleep now.



    Man…I missed part two of the interview today. Womp Womp at him and his rebuttall…“I’ll deal with that with her?” I think she got tired of you dealing with ish Bobby!



    Stephanie, my intent was the opposite. All my life I’ve been angry that people who don’t know Kansas make sweeping assumptions about it and the people who live there. As you have just done. I was sticking up for Kansas as I do for Brooklyn; I loved my time there and look forward to the next trip.



    Moimême > Il n’y a aucun problème, évidemment ! Continuez !Arno31> Dans ce cas vous partagez un lien et c’est moi qui vous remercie. Il faut faire des liens sur Facebook, ça m’aide vraiment !



    Hej SejeKanon godt billede af dig selv…Kigger tit forbi din side for at se hvad du finder pÃ¥ og for at tjekke at du har det godt..Knus min blødesejehøje ven – pas pÃ¥ dig selv..



    No vamos a conseguir nada prolongando esa polémica, así que deberíamos rentabilizarla para conseguir mejoras para las personas sin hogar… y, ya que nos ponemos, para los animales abandonados. Se le hace una “proposición indecente” tipo “tú me das, yo te doy”. Sois listos, así que estrujaros la caja pensativa a ver qué se os ocurre.



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    I enjoyed this a lot. Some very simple clues and some delightfully complex ones.I loved 1a (half the clue to tell us to write AS backwards), 21a (what a way to get to EN) and 14d (highly original).



    I listen to this CD when studying Spanish. It’s hard to say whether it helps or not, although the first time I listened to it, I went to bed thinking in Spanish. Regardless, the tracks are great. The music is very unobtrusive, the thunder sounds real as opposed to a computer-generated storm where the thunder is too frequent or follows a pattern. I tend to get sleepy listening to the white noise track. I don’t care for the whale track as it’s a bit distracting. I’m glad I got this CD.



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    The Polar Bear is a magnificent creature. I don’t know what we can do other than halt poaching and preserve their habitats if possible. Hopefully, there are those who do know what to do to save them, and will.



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    A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!



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