Feliz dia da Mãe!

164 Comentários

À minha querida Mãe

Eis-me aqui em Portugal
Nas terras onde nasci.
Por muito que goste delas
Ainda gosto mais de ti.

Fernando Pessoa


Desejo a todas as MÃES um dia muito especial!

Eu agradeço a sorte que tenho de ter estes quatro filhos maravilhosos, é sem dúvida uma enorme benção.

Como não podia deixar de ser, deixo um beijo muito especial à minha mãe, para mim a melhor do Mundo!

❤️❤️  👫👭


Siga-me também no facebook e no instagram!

Roupas queridas: Gocco Almada

Fim-de-semana do dia da mãe!
Medo de os juntar!
164 Comentários
  • Diana Mora Moraes


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    • Mariana Seara Cardoso

      Obrigada, também adoro! ❤️❤️

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    Toooooo cute! & holy crap! They dig just like my Sitka only you have 6-8 of them helping. Too bad nobody wanted a “Lazy River” running through that sand. Or maybe a few trees planted right there!!!Sitka’s Mom

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    TJ,I’ve been making and losing and making and losing a fortune short-selling banking, housing, and brokerage stocks.I miss the open threads as they were the best opportunity for general education regarding the issues surrounding Seattle real estate.It’s also not the same without ‘Shug. He was fun to smack around and was the best illustration of what is wrong with Seattle RE.This thread was general enough to get a good discussion going.I don’t have a SB “program” so I don’t know who the modern players are. Who is the modern “Meshugy?”Glad to be missed. – Rate this comment: 0  0

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    Revereridesagain: I hate to tell you this, but Dollar Stores are owned by…Muslims. At least the ones in New York are. Allah knows where the profits go, so to speak. This is why I stopped patronizing Muslim-run tobacco shops. Even if these shops aren't in the Muslim-run contraband cigarette racket, one of which was recently broken up in North Carolina, I still don't know where my money is going to, ultimately. Regardless of the scale of a Muslim's business, he must still pay zakat to Islamic charities, and we all know what those are all about — subsidizing terrorism.

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      October 14, 2011I love the French cover. It actually seems that all the new covers – UK for If I Die and the US bind-up of Volume One – have that white/white and black sharper/grittier tone. A little less flowy, a little less ethereal.But I like the fonts used on the UK cover just a bit more!Still, they’re all absolutely gorgeous.I am totally fascinated that the UK covers even through the new If I Die cover have the Twilight Fans will love it message. That must really be a big selling feature in the UK for books!

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    Holy Matrimony, if you will, is a ceremony involving God. It is a promise to God, to your spouse – to the families on both sides, before all. It is much easier to not believe in God, for most, because you can relinquish any knowledge you may have of His word, that is the Bible.Similar to why no members of the Flat Earth Society are astronauts, I suppose.

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