Sair aos pares num dia de Inverno!

450 Comentários

O inverno está aí, o frio já se instalou e ao que parece veio para ficar! Apesar de tudo, até temos tido a sorte de o sol ainda andar por cá!

No entanto, não é por ser inverno que não saio de casa. De facto, faça chuva ou faça sol, adoro passear com os bebés e, sempre que posso, tento ir com eles ao parque ou simplesmente dar uma volta. Mas uma coisa é certa: com o frio as saídas têm que ser muito bem pensadas, temos de ter muito cuidado com a pele dos bebés, que nesta altura fica ainda mais sensível e o frio pode fazer-lhes muito mal, criar frieiras, queimaduras, cieiro etc… No fundo, temos de hidratar muito bem a pele dos bebés e também a nossa!

Como sabem, cá em casa só uso produtos Bioderma nos bebés, posso dizer que esta marca faz maravilhas cá em casa. Nesta altura, protejo a pele dos bebés com os produtos cold-cream da gama ABCDerm, tanto para o rosto como para o corpo. Antes de sairmos, coloco sempre creme nas mãos e na carinha para os hidratar bem; na hora do banho, o ABCDerm cold-cream creme lavante é a higiene de eleição que, além de ter um cheirinho óptimo, ajuda a prevenir problemas com a pele devido ao frio.

No inverno, a mala dos bebés está cheia de coisas: fraldas, biberões, muda de roupa, muda fraldas, os cremes ABCDerm, um gorro, umas luvas e um chapéu de chuva, tudo o que preciso para atacar o inverno em pleno.

Deixo-vos um conselho ABCDerm:


Até aos 3 anos, a pele do bebé é frágil e imatura: tem dificuldade em defender-se contra as agressões (frio, vento, sol, ar seco…) e fica facilmente irritada.
Quando o frio espreita é, então fundamental adequar os produtos de higiene e hidratação da pele. De forma a proteger este bem tão precioso, dever-se-á utilizar produtos enriquecidos com cera de abelha e óleo de sementes de damasco, que reforçam a barreira cutânea de forma a proteger das agressões externas (ABCDerm Cold-Cream).

Conselhos para uma rotina pele saudável:

– Opte sempre por produtos de higiene e cuidados especificamente formulados para a pele dos bebés, hipoalergénicos e testados sob controlo dermatológico e pediátrico.
– Para higiene diária opte por ABCDerm cold-cream creme lavante, um produto de higiene com uma base lavante suave, sem sabão, não deslipidante, rica em ácidos gordos essenciais. Textura muito cremosa e não arde nos olhos!
– Todos os dias, após o banho, hidrate cuidadosamente todo o corpo e o rosto do bebé com os cremes nutritivos ABCDerm Cold-cream rosto e corpo.
– Reforce a aplicação do creme de rosto após cada refeição e antes de sair de casa.
– Proporcione ao bebé uma pequena sessão de massagem, se ele gostar: massaje suavemente todo o corpo com o cuidado hidratante até à completa absorção, ou com um óleo de massagem específico para bebé (ABCDerm Óleo Relaxante). Muito eficaz para relaxar o bebé e prepará-lo para dormir, a massagem é também um excelente momento de cumplicidade e ternura.






Pijama: Gocco Almada

Roupão: Patinhos

Camisola Tomás: Grace Baby & Child 

Forras Ovos: BG Kids


Vamos aquecer este inverno!
Tempo de me mimar!
450 Comentários
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    Major thanks for the blog.Thanks Again. Really Great.

    • Jean

      God help me, I put aside a whole afonreotn to figure this out.


      he had no experience in england. No club football for a decade. A decade is quite a while. I didn’t mention his SA experience because I figured it was pretty obvious and still quite irrelevant to my claims. Who needs to do their homework?Reply


      Pbrain, WHY WOULD THE GUY WHO’S AHEAD IN THE POLLS WANT AN EARLY DEBATE?and WHY WOULD THE GUY WHO’S TRAILING WANT TO POSTPONE? The published polls are out of sync with candidate behavior. Aren’t you the least bit curious? Or are you just afraid of the answer.


      Ok Paolo, touché. quello che volevo dire è che c'è una grossa differenza tra superare i 100 km e ricadere e superarli e mantenerli a tempo (quasi) indeterminato.Questa differenza fa sì che per quanto si raggiunga effettivamente lo spazio, il divertimento non dura poi molto. (il tempo di vomitare l'anima, immagino)


      Ich würde sehr gerne das Kleid A gewinnen, aber beide sind wirklich wunderschön und die Gewinnerinnen werden sich super freuen:)Ich wünsche euch noch ein schönes Adventwochenende!:)


      That’s a sensible answer to a challenging question


      Very interesting story, btw. Though I see what you mean about the lineup of the stamped face. His face is reminiscent of the bunny cake I made with Hannah. I let her decorate and we got pretty much the same face as Beevil.Next Beevil will be on one of those infamous death panels pontificating from a "death platform."


      It’s great to find an expert who can explain things so well


      Hej,Den gÃ¥r nog inte att fÃ¥ tag pÃ¥ just nu. Boken är slut pÃ¥ förlaget, men det ska gÃ¥ att köpa den som ebok eller POD som det kallas, dvs, boken “skrivs ut och sätts ihop” i ett exemplar och skickas hem till dig efter beställning. Inte sÃ¥ jättekul tycker vi, men bra att det finns ett sätt att fÃ¥ tillgÃ¥ng till böcker som är slut.Annars finns ju alltid biblioteket =).


      i don’t get why they don’t just use a 15mm axle. quicker and stiffer and can be just as light. (don’t forget the axle on a 9mm system is built into the wheel whereas the 15 system the axle and qr are all in one).


      BION I’m impressed! Cool post!


      This is just the perfect answer for all of us


      Die wagen Ankündigungen sind Absicht, man möchte bis zum Herbst ja immer mal wieder was neues berichten. Wie bei Autoherstellern die nicht alle Ausstattungen von Anfang an bringen.


      E hoje a culpa será de quem?Só pode ser do campo obviamente!!Um campo assim não permite desenvolver na plenitude o excelente futebol dos comandados do mister Paulo Sérgio!Façam força!!! O Clic tá quase.


      It`s so easy to fall into the need-to-lose-weight trap. I`m a size 6 to 8, have really broad shoulders and I`m not toned so people love telling me I`m plump or fat thinking I won`t be offended because I`m still kinda small-ish. It`s their version of constructive criticism, I think?Anyway, I find that older men (or those with more appealing mindsets hehe) are the ones who like curvy or fleshier women. The young ones like them with 2% body fat!


      hola soy de peru y tengo 30 años .soy operador de maquinaria pesada tambien hago pozos hasta 40 metros de profundidad,y se hacer un poco albañil, carpinteria.y bueno si hay alguna aagencia de empleo suiza que necesitara peronal, yo trabajo en todo no importa en lo que sea. todo trabajo es digno para mi. espero alguna respuesta. y que DIOS LOS VENDIGA A TODOS.correo.

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      Why are you guys so concerned about some ultrarunning championship race? I don't get it. Is because somehow you guys need to validate our sport? Who cares! Is it because you guys need to feel validated like Ryan Hall, Ritz, Meb, Rupp, Abdi? Ultrarunning need fast guys, I mean real fast guy like Matt Carpenter…Ultrarunning need more than one Matt Carpenter and we are very far from that.


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      Everyone would benefit from reading this post


      Queria preguntarle a la Dra. Como hacer cuando tu pareja te rechaza sistematicamente con excusas o sinceramente porque no tiene ganas de tener sexo y solo tenemos sexo si mi pareja en ese momento tiene ganas .


      toniAugust 2, 2012 at 6:50 amNigeria’s main exports are not scammers tho.Painful conclusion.On the up side,hope this turns out to be our best season in years.I LOVE THIS CLUB

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      Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂


      That’s more than sensible! That’s a great post!


      PC – gresealaPSD – gresealaacum lupi cu masti de oiPNL – nu trebuie sa cada in greseala! Cine are grija de asta? Sau greseala deja s-a facut?Mai este valabil sa spunem ,,prin noi insine“ sau spunem ,,prin altii“ ?


      something about church planting and vision that I didn’t understand at the time but make complete sense now. He said that when you are getting ready to start a church you have a vision of what it is to be, but you will know when its time when the vision has you. Praying for you dude.

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      Clear, informative, simple. Could I send you some e-hugs?


      It's sad to see that some sportmen do not want to raise the spanish flag. I hope we start differing between sport and politics, and, much more, between patriotism and political ideology.


      Warner might prefer to keep the videos in its channel, to increase their allure to advertisers by controlling what appears around the videos. But people want videos on youtube.


      Why do I bother calling up people when I can just read this!


      The reason they cannot give you a break is loss of reference. Initially, a pilot scan was done. The rest of the exam is based on that pilot. If you radically moved your arm, a pilot has to be done again. The series protocol is set up on the pilot scan. Small frequency shifts are what controls the contiguous “slices”. The ring that you put your arm through is a receiving coil. It gives a cleaner image than if the scan was done in the larger body coil. It is an antenna that receives info from flipped hydrogen protons in your arm.


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      “if you read the other comments on this post, most people agree with me,”Again you are posting something that doesn’t agree with the facts. As I read through the comments I plainly see that most people DISAGREE with you.Try again.


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      Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!


      Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!


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      Kate, your articles are awesomely analyticle. Your last post about the bipolar first quarters was almost prophetic. Amazingly they overcame it in NOLA. Great writing and analysis!


      You have shed a ray of sunshine into the forum. Thanks!


      Rart at vide at jeg ikke er den eneste der bed mærke i det.Min mor som ikke er speciel real food agtig – sagde – hvorfor foreslÃ¥r de ikke at man vælger gode oste for smÃ¥ fabrikanter – gode yoghurter uden sukker osv…


      Vilken underbar utsikt och vad fin ljusstaken på torget är. Jag tror inte det finns något sådant roligt här där jag bor. Inget som jag sett i alla fall.Jag önskar dig en god jul.kramar =)


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      Wasssssssssssssshhhh…!! Marik Alejandro que rudo…. viejo lo felicito… Viejo… que emoción me llena de felicidad esta noticia no tenia ni idea jajaja… Me acuerdo de unas conversaciones hace unos anos… Bueno en fin, cuando pase por buenos aires me avisa y le invito alguito, espero se acuerde de los pobres. (de premios)


      / Some of our best presidents have been religious; some of our worst, too. Is it a surprise that a pastor like BG would favor the former, though? Perhaps he puts more weight on rev. Wright and prayer breakfasts than most people do.


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      Great thinking! That really breaks the mold!


      Now, 99% of their stuff is way too lodge-y for everyday use, but that 1% might surprise you! Kinda like Cracker Barrel, you just never know where you might find great stuff for your house, so keep your eyes peeled.Â


      Il est incontestable que ceux d’entre vous qui ont voté Wikileaks, n’ont pas pris le temps de lire les articles qui sont en ligne.J’ai passé des heures à chercher des révélations, il y a énormément de sujets de lectures, pour nous annoncer de bien piètres secrets, a vérifier ?Pas de quoi remercier les journalistes du Monde, ni de Médiapart, qui hébergent le site.Alors pour le prix, je reste septique, en disant tant pis pour ceux qui ont perdus, mais ils n’ont certainement pas démérité.


      That insight solves the problem. Thanks!


      – witaj Wyrażanie siebie w sÅ‚owach jest czasem ciężkie, ale to tez można w jakims sensie ćwiczyć – w sprzyjajÄ…cych okolicznoÅ›ciach oczywiÅ›cie, bo jak jest stres, to trudno dosyć. Tak siÄ™ wÅ‚aÅ›nie zastanawiam w którÄ… stronÄ™ pociÄ…gnąć dalej temat introwertyków, bo widzÄ™, że zainteresowanie jest. Macie jakieÅ› sugestie/pomysÅ‚y?VA:F [1.9.22_1171](from 0 votes)


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      Oi Flávia,vai entender…eu amo essas orquídeas e para ser sincera não gosto muito desta coisa de moda em relação a plantas. beijosAna Claudia Cavalcanti[]


      Set up memberships on Twitter and Facebook under your business. Staking a claim to your business’s name on these sites will prevent someone else from posting content that is meaningless or even damaging to you.


      « C dans l’air » la semaine dernière avait bien résumé la situation. L’émission doit encore être visionnable sur le site web de france5 pour les curieux.


      Notice that even on the fine nights we fall into the ‘talking heads’ crap of talking about good Kobe or bad Kobe?Let’s just stop defending/attacking him and just sit back and watch.

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      Hakikaten korkunç bir ÅŸey ilaç sektörü için reklam yapmaya çalışmak.Ancak şöyleki ilaç sektörünün reklam kısıtlamaları Türkiye’de çok daha ağır oluyor. Aynı zamanda ilaç firmaları sürekli biribirlerini takip edip en ufak bir açıkta dava açıyorlar. Bu da ilaç firmasının bu riski almak istememesine geliyor çünkü bu tarz ÅŸeyler basında da yer alıyor. Sonuç olarak ilaç sektörü ile çalışmak reklamcının (hangi departman olursa olsun) kabusu!


      Vaig anar a veure la pel.licula i em va agradar moltíssim, tens raò qui espera un film de por va llest, però es una bona pel.lìcula de totes maneres. I això sí Will Smith m’agradava d’altres com En busca de la felicidad però aquí s’ha superat.Petonets.


      If only there were more clever people like you!


      None can doubt the veracity of this article.


      Her body is not something I strive for.But I do appreciate the whole “think critically, and eat real food” thing. That’s something everyone should stand by


      Hey, that’s powerful. Thanks for the news.


      Wal-Mart considers me a small now? Give me a break. I’m 6’4, 235 lbs. That’s up from 190 lbs a year ago. And I’m a size small? Only if medium is the size of a Mini. If we’re that fat, why not just create new sizes? Maybe X-tra Large, Ultra-Large, and One-More-Burger-and-Your-Chest-Explodes?


      In the complicated world we live in, it’s good to find simple solutions.


      As eleições passaram, os problemas permanecem, a abstenção (cerca de 39%) é semelhante à anterior e mantém-se a condenação dos partidos (ND e PASOK) que conduziram a Grécia à situação actual.Apesar da chantagem e da bipolarização, parece claro que o povo grego já não quer ser governado pelos mesmos e pelas mesmas políticas, assim como parece evidente que, nestas condições, a maioria saída das eleições (com o antidemocrático prémio de 50 deputados) não vai conseguir governar.O anúncio da morte do KKE é exagerado e a luta vai continuar.


      O radicalismo e a rejeição contra o outro lado ocorreu também nos anos de ditadura, ninguém pode negar. A defesa da volta ao equilibrio é fundamental para o debate político. No futuro poderemos acabar também com o socialismo para os políticos, estabelecendo a concorrência entre os partidos e acabando com as tetas deles também. Mago


      I think Denver and Orlando are the two most interesting cases. These are decent teams that are not giving a lot of minutes to their best players. So what is the story behind this?


      their identity is righteous. It’s not that we don’t sin. “I have been crucified with Christ.” Galatians 2:20. That is, it’s done. We have been redeemed. The rest of the Christian walk is learning to act like who we are.


      I agree with Marly and Marja-Leena — you have wonderful photos to choose from. Still, I do appreciate your generosity of spirit in opening this up to contributions from others.Might be a mission trawling through , but if you do find something you like (or part of a photo), let me know and I’ll crop/edit to suit.


      Off to Paris next month. What are the chances of a terrorist attack while I am there given the recent banning of the burqa? What areas are Muslim enclaves that I should avoid visiting?


      hola!me gustaria saber se la tarjeta mirada para hacer llamadas internacionales son vuetras?Tambien me gustaria saber cuales son las tarjetas que puedo hacer llamadas internacionales con bt.Un saludo.


      TYVM you’ve solved all my problems




      Whoa, things just got a whole lot easier.


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      Pleasing you should think of something like that


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      Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G!


      I rarely watch the primetime shows because I think they tend to be overrated, but The Big Bang Theory is something the husband and I never miss! You're gonna love it 🙂


      Stöckchen ist in der Warteschleife @ abraxandria: Alleine hätte ich mir den auch nicht gekauft. Zum Glück kam gerade zufällig Ostern und der Osterhase scheint es gut mit mir gemeint zu haben


      I read your post and wished I was good enough to write it


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      Apparemment vous êtes comme Sophie Pétoncule : « Ah, mais moi j’ai rien compris à cette phrase ».A part que c’est l’article tout entier.


      Frankly I think that’s absolutely good stuff.


      I am totally wowed and prepared to take the next step now.


      I can almost get my wrists down- left is up about a half inch, right about a quarter inch- ribs down, but when I try to get writsts down, it strains my neck and it’s an effort to keep low back down.


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      Guess what, same problem here. Diskwarrior’s been running close to 2 weeks now and it shows up as “not responding” on the dock eventhough the activity monitor indicates it’s still working. Last I checked, it was at 5000+ overlapped files until the window stopped responding a little while ago. But it’s kinda normal for apps to “hang” for long-term activities. I get the same response burning DVDs and digitizing video.


      Glad I’ve finally found something I agree with!


      as I went off to work, leaving my children behind, that it was a relief to get to a place where there was a written job description, and I pretty much knew what was expected of me. This was comforting. At home….anything goes, there are no rules, no written help and no idea what is expected of me….pretty scary stuff!!

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      hi!i too downloaded the mediafire one. it doesn’t work either. however, i unzipped the original rapidshare one on a mac using stuffit. worked straight away.hope this helps.


      You are living in the most powerful time in the history of humanity for personal development, my friend. A few hundred years ago, you would have lived and died your entire 42 years of life as a serf within 20 miles of your home. You have advantages your forefathers never dreamed of. What you do with them is up to you.


      What a pleasure to find someone who thinks through the issues


      That’s way the bestest answer so far!


      on a enfin l'exication sur la claudication de Némo… Mais alors, comment font-ils pour avoir un tant soit peu de brassage génétique si ce n'est des clowneries…


      Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well


      It’s much easier to understand when you put it that way!


      Check that off the list of things I was confused about.


      Corina, scumpa, eu il vreau, pentru ca nu-l am!:(L-am tot batut la cap pe Mos, sa-mi aduca unul din ala mic, ba chiar am mai lasat si din pretentii, poate fi si negru (eu visam la unul roz… 🙂 )Marilena

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      Umm, are you really just giving this info out for nothing?


      suis un type fesses donc, si c’est plus facile pour moi de sauter par dessus que de faire le tour , je passe mon tour lolll Superficiel hein !?? but that’s it !!


      What’s it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?


      I'm a little concerned at the way the PCB and the Pakistani authorities seem to be trying to discredit him. Could it run that deep? It's scary to think it could but if it does then I am right behind Haider and he should be protected as much as possible.


      I am wondering if I should trademark the words "Media Kapos" should Obama gets re-elected? I mean, they will be out in droves to push his agenda and demands to neuter and destroy Israel's security in order to get invited to the right White House events.


      Hola, que bien que le enseñes otros idiomas a tu hijo y que pases tiempo de calidad con él. Educar no es solamente no dejar que vea la tele, sería mejor si le enseñas a ser una personita madura que después aprenda cómo elegir, no solamente aislarse de lo nocivo.


      Vsak dan bom zmolila Rožni venec Božjega usmiljenja, za vse ki prosijo na tej spletni strani, za vse bolne in trpeče.Marija brez madeža spočeta prosi za nas ki se k tebi zatekamo.


      obviously like your website but you have to check the spelling on quite a few of your posts. A number of them are rife with spelling issues and I find it very troublesome to tell the truth nevertheless I’ll surely come back again.


      Kriisin yli pääseminen; yhdessä jatkaminen kaikesta huolimatta ♥ Miten sitä osaa arvostaa jotain vasta kun on menettämässä sen. Onnelliseksi tekee myös uutinen, että toinen puolisko sai työpaikan! Hakijoita oli 120 ja mun ukko valittiin ♥ Nyt on sellaista syvää onnellisuutta ilmassa..


      Il problema fondamentale è che l’unica sua opposizione è stato l’odio. Odio in cui è cresciuto, si è gongolato, si è divertito. La riprova l’hai avuta con l’uscita di ieri sera.Perchè se Silvio è sempre il sella, il motivo è solo uno: gli avversari hanno proposto solo odio, senza un programma convincente. Le illusioni di Berlusconi hanno vinto sull’odio caotico della sinistra. Questo è il problema.


      Odom, Blake, Ratliff, Barnes, Caracter, Ebanks – looks like a significant improvement on the bench from last season’s group. Add a healthy Walton (any word on his back?) and they will be a potentially exceptional bench.


      Yet more repetition of that empty phrase “right-wing extremist”. Yet again a reference to slandering “prophets”, in order to imply Muslims care about slandering “prophets” they have expropriated from other religions.


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