Segundo dia de escola!

173 Comentários

A noite de ontem da Matilde e do Tomás foi atribulada: acordaram à meia-noite os dois a chorar.

Não é muito comum acordarem durante a noite. Fora um dente ou outro que teima em aparecer, normalmente dormem seguido até de manhã. Fiquei com o coração apertado, estavam com medo e queriam companhia, pelo que tive de ficar perto deles até voltarem a dormir, não queriam ficar sozinhos no quarto por nada deste mundo.

De manhã, acordaram às 8h muito bem dispostos. Perguntei “vamos à escola?” e eles, como se percebessem do que se tratava, ficaram contentes, beberam o leitinho e vestiram-se. À saída de casa quiseram logo pôr as mochilas e a Matilde não parou de chorar enquanto não pôs o chapéu da escola, adorou!

Chegámos à escola e correram directos para o escorrega, o que desde logo lhes despertou um enorme sorriso na cara! Esperámos uns minutos para ver se continuavam bem, despedimo-nos e viemos embora.

Hoje já vim mais contente, vi que gostaram e estavam bem.
Acho que com os dias a passar e a rotina a implementar-se a Matilde e o Tomás vão-se sentir mais seguros e perceber que os vamos sempre buscar e que nunca os deixamos.

Quando voltei à escola para os ir buscar e saber como correu o dia, as notícias eram boas! De manhã choraram um bocadinho, mas sempre um de cada vez (essa ideia de que quando um gémeo chora o outro desata a chorar também não tem sido verdade na minha experiência) mas nada demais; hoje esteve melhor o Tomás. Ao almoço comeram tudo e a sesta também correu muito bem!

Lá os fomos buscar e estavam eles a brincar todos contentes. Quando nos viram vieram dar um grande abraço que vale mais que qualquer coisa nesta vida!

E lá se passou o segundo dia de escola com um balanço muito positivo!

Programas em família!
Primeiro dia de escola!
173 Comentários
  • Elisabete Cruz


    Olá Mariana. Sou fã do seu blog e sou mãe de um rapaz de 2 anos e de duas gémeas com 2 meses. Adorei ler as suas história e identifico-me com os episódios que por cá vem deixando, desde a surpresa ao saber que esperava gémeos, á preocupação para encaixar tudo no quotidiano, até à origem de uma família numerosa (tenho 2 irmãs e 4 irmãos). É mesmo uma alegria ter a casa cheia. Desejo as maiores felicidades e muita saúde para toda a família. Beijinhos

    • Mariana Seara Cardoso

      Olá Elizabete,
      Obrigada pelo apoio. É sem dúvida uma maravilha. ❤️❤️
      Vá aparecendo.

  • margarida


    Que maravilha, e que bom que assim é… com certeza vai melhorar dias após dia 🙂 Bjnhs

    • Mariana Seara Cardoso


  • Sandra


    Que bom Mariana, esta a correr muito bem, assim é um descanso…

    • Mariana Seara Cardoso

      É mesmo bom! ❤️❤️

  • Xana


    Olá Mariana,

    Acho que já percebeu que eu gosto do seu blog 😉 e das partilhas que gentilmente faz com todos aqueles que vão “espreitando” as suas publicações, como é o meu caso. Não acompanho qualquer outro porque infelizmente não tenho tempo, mas o seu…. é diferente porque me revejo nalgumas situações, porque sou Mãe de gémeas, e sem dúvida nenhuma que tem sido a experiência mais fabulosa e marcante da minha vida. Agradeço imenso a Deus a oportunidade que me deu em ser Mãe de duas meninas, hoje adolescentes, que dão um trabalhão que nem lhe conto!!! Mas são umas castiças….
    As minhas Filhas também não choravam ao mesmo tempo, e toda a gente me perguntava isso e se adoeciam ao mesmo tempo, e também não! Aliás uma delas teve a varicela no primeiro ano e a outra teve aos três anos. Incrível que foi para mim, mas não para o Pediatra 🙂
    Na minha opinião, a Mariana está a fazer um “trabalho” TOP!! Mas, TOP, mesmo!!!
    Qualquer criança é uma “esponja” (expressão do Pediatra) que absorve tudo o que a rodeia. O bom e o mau e sentem, porque nos conhecem, se estamos mais ou menos ansiosas, alegres, tolerantes, etc. Relaxe, se sabe que a escola onde estão é segura, se tens profissionais competentes. Vai correr tudo bem e se alguma coisa não correr, corrige-se, e siga!
    A Mariana vai ver, e acho que já vê, que entre as suas amigas é a Mãe mais despachada do mundo, mais relaxada porque não temos tempo para stresses… não temos. Temos muita coisa a tratar e a Mariana então…!!!
    Um beijinho grande, a partir do Porto.

    • Mariana Seara Cardoso

      Que querida! <3 <3
      Tem mesmo de ser assim, as suas palavras foram sábias.
      Fico muito contente de a ter por aqui sempre.

  • Marlene


    Olá eu e a minha irmã so temos 9 meses de diferença, nascemos no mesmo ano e desde sempre fomos super cumplices e posso dizer que temos uma ligação mais partilhada por irmãos gemeos, muita gente o diz, mesmo estando a quase 2000km de distância conseguimos sentir quando a outra não esta bem e quando quer falar. quando andavamos na escola um dia ela magoou se em ginastica e eu na minha sala senti que algo nao estava bem e tinha razão, tinham chamado a ambulância que ela tinha estalado um dedo. ah e quanto a ficar doentes ao mesmo tempo, ficamos muitas vezes, coitada da minha mãe que foi uma santa para nos criar a todose eramos todos pequenos, 5 crianças entre os 12 e os 0 anos. Hoje somos todos adultos independentes. Mais uma coisa engraçada, eu e a minha irmã tivemos os nossos meninos com 10 dias de diferença e sem planear sequer, alias eu nem sabia que ela estava gravida ao mesmo tempo que eu. muitos parabens pelo blog adoro e parabens pelos bebecas lindos

    • Mariana Seara Cardoso

      <3 <3
      Obrigada pela partilha e simpatia.

  • Brandice


    BS low – raoiinaltty high! Really good answer!



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    Thanks for taking the time to post. It’s lifted the level of debate



    Homeopaattien argumentointi perustuu paukapäiseen hokemiseen: "Neljä jalkaa hyvä, kaksi jalkaa paha."Tätä toistetaan idiootin tavoin ja toivotaan, että se hyväksytään vastaukseksi.Homeopatia on huono ja liian vanha vitsi. Homovitsit ovat parempia.



    Finally! This is just what I was looking for.



    La femme m’a expliqué qu’ils avaient déposé des phéromones d’abeille reine en dehors des lettres afin que les abeilles n’aillent qu’à cet endroit. J’ai trouvé ça super bien pensé !



    Nic nowego siÄ™ nie da? Czyżby to byÅ‚ ten sÅ‚ynny „integryzm” tylko na wyższym poziomie? ;)Tak, to jest ryzyko i to jest na pewno droga znacznie trudniejsza niż machniÄ™cie kolejnego tolkienowskiego fantasy. Ale moim zdaniem lepiej próbować z czymÅ› nowym niż dÅ‚ubać kolejnÄ… grÄ™ takÄ…-jak-wszystkie.VN:F [1.9.22_1171] Ocena: 0 (0 ocen)



    What a lovely tart!!! I think of the scene in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang where the children are tempted out of hiding by the mean child catcher with sweets…. and one of them he mentions is the Treacle Tart! I was never sure of what one looked like until now. Yum!!

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    Is it still happenning today, where the supposedly best loooking girls in east asia still have caucasian features? It somehow gives the impression of low esteem towards oriental features.



    Does anybody want to hazard a guess as to why the BNP are so successful and why the various socialist organisations opposing the BNP have no idea why (the BNP is successful)?



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    That’s really shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.



    At last some rationality in our little debate.



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    You mean I don’t have to pay for expert advice like this anymore?!



    minha maior fase de jogador também foi no SNES. Eu e meu irmão organizávamos torneios de futebol no SNES. montávamos a tabela com times que a gente dirigia e times que o PC comandava e anótavamos num caderno o resultado dos jogos. O campeonato era tão disputado que às vezes acaba em discussões e brigas reais…joguei um tempo com emuladores de SNES no PC e com alguns poucos jogos pra PC…. depois disso, aposentei.1003



    Sicherlich kannst Du im Gasbackofen Chips trocknen. Ich denke sie werden dann vielleicht nicht mehr Rohkostqualität (bis 42 Grad) haben, aber sie sind allemal vieeeeel gesünder als alle anderen Chips die es in Tüten zu kaufen gibt Ich liebe es auch, die Chips als Crunchies über den Salat oder die Suppe zu geben…liebe Grüsse von Conny



    Hi Hanna!Thank you for leaving a comment and considering our hotel for your upcoming vacation. The weather in mid-February is a bit hard to define. This past year, there were days in the 7o’s as well as those rare days in the 40′s. Let’s hope for a warm 2012! We hope to see you next year.



    Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.

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    Good list. Now I know this is a little bit off topic. When are the personal bios for Logan and Jake going to be fulfilled. I login everyday thinking, maybe today is the day. At some point “coming soon” is just a lie.



    That’s a smart answer to a difficult question.

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    Je n’ai pas fait beaucoup de camping mais les douches que j’ai vu respectent exactement ta description!J’aimerais bien savoir pourquoi vous n’utilisez pas plus la douche du farfadet…



    , Field. Who knew you had a soft side? Michael death shocked everyone. Even here in conservative north Florida, a good portion of the local newscast was dedicated to Michael Jackson.I'm sure people are grieving the world over, across races, across ethnic groups, and across generations.



    I think you have nailed it, Anon of 1.03 am, the AshkeNAZI US Jews are so full of hatred and resentment at the seemingly unflappable stoicism and happiness of US Christians [read Whites] that they are obsessed with pulling down the US, whatever the cost.They probably believe they can escape when the imported Moslems do the job for them.Some of them may believe that they will be an integral part of this New World Order as they were in Russia in 1917, where they were responsible for the murder of millions of Christians.



    I just saw today that the Excelsior 5-speed mini-lathe is going on sale for $200 with a free bed extension at Rockler starting the 3rd. The two machines look pretty comparable. I’m more inclined to buy it from Rockler than Harbor Freight.I have a friend who loves his Excelsior, I’m thinking about picking one up if I can either sneak it in the house or come up with a project I can justify buying it for. Rounding over small wheels using the router table is getting old.



    An answer from an expert! Thanks for contributing.



    Me gustan mucho las magnolias, no me resultan extrañas sino preciosas, una manifestación de belleza en medio del asfalto. Lo que si es raro es que no hayamos mandado a la … a todos esos asesores y gobernantes que nos sobran. No podrán, seguiremos aupándonos en la cultura a su pesar, seguiremos admirando las magnolias.



    Chris, be careful with that wide brush. I happen to be one of those Hispanics in the southwest, but I understand the anger. I can’t apologize for the shortsightedness of other people, but let’s be honest. They exist in every race.



    yo llegue aki de casualidad jaja pero ni kise leer nada porque tengo otras cosas k hacer pero me gusta dejar mis comentarios, aunk nada que ver alomejor con el tema jajajaja adios



    « la beauté du jeu de MacEnroe se suffit à eile-même, en dehors de tout record… » Oui et d’ailleurs, c’est l’une des plus grandes victimes du débat GOAT et la tyrannie des chiffres. « Un seul poême de Rimbaud brille plus que l’intégrale des Rougeon-Maquart. »Houlà, non! Ne va pas si loin! Surtout qu’à l’époque, c’était beaucoup plus difficile de faire un des livres de cette saga plutôt que des poèmes de Rimbaud.



    You make things so clear. Thanks for taking the time!

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    Perfect shot! Thanks for your post!



    The postcards for the preschool teacher and the stickers for the bus driver are adorable! What a fun idea! Way to be so thoughtful as well. I never even once thought to gift the bus driver with anything. shame on me!!



    So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.



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    What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.



    bon, il me FAUT une Map !merci pour la recette !et tout à fait d’accord avec toi : je n’aime pas du tout cette espèce de federation de blogs par une marque de vaisselle .



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    Congratulations on your 30th Anniversary, Nancy! Has it really been that long?? LOL! I’ve watched your show through many years of making clothes for my children, doll clothes for their dolls, dance outfits, and school play/Halloween costumes. In everything I’ve done, I can credit one of your shows for inspiration. So, no favorites….just all of them are favorites! Also, thank you so much for the time saving tips that you continue to provide. You are my sewing hero!!!



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    Perfect answer! That really gets to the heart of it!



    A million thanks for posting this information.



    Liebe Jojo, danke für den lieben Kommentar! Tut mir leid, dass es noch so lange dauert bis Schattenblüte III, ich werde mich mit dem Schreiben beeilen! Ãœbrigens: So ein lieber Kommentar motiviert natürlich ungemein! 😉



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    Erich – I went and read that thread. Man, it’s tough enough fighting islam, but to have to fight each other makes it worse. You are right, we do need a summit to hash this all out and all get moving in the same direction. You can’t fight an enemy when you have to worry about being stabbed in the back by someone you think is on your side.



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    Prosiła pani o pomoc (10:21), ale widzę po tym pani komentarzu, że niestety nie da się. A przynajmniej ja nie potrafię. Do tego bowiem opróc uprawnień pedagogicznych (posiadam) potrzebne są uprawnienia z oligofrenopedagogiki (niestety, nie posiadam).Dlatego spasuję z tłumaczeniem pani rzeczy w NORMALNYM świecie absolutnie oczywistych, bo czuję, że mogłabym poczynić, z braku odpowiednich kwalifikacji, jeszcze większe spustoszenie w pani umyśle.Najważniejsze, że Pan również pisze tylko na temat:)



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    My earliest memory is from when I was two or three. I contracted mumps while recovering from chicken pox. We were living in NYC where, in those days, stores still delivered groceries to your apartment. I remember telling a delivery boy, rather proudly, “I have mumps!” and seeing a look of horror cross his face.



    Good to see real expertise on display. Your contribution is most welcome.



    I love the concept but I’m not a big fan of Yummie Tummie. I do love Slimpressions however. I found them at Intimacy in NY when I was there last. Great solution for the complete top half of my body – muffin top, back fat, and arm flab! I wear mine as a layering piece. (Long, and sits on the hips.) Unfortunately, I only bought two while I was there. Fortunately though has free shipping on them! Gotta love it.

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    This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!



    nothing of the sort, but Mark added it in as an artistic way of making a point. Salvation comes to the Jews (tearing of the temple curtain) and the gentiles (centurion’s confession). Or something.Of course if he knew how John Wayne would murder the line 1900 years later he might have thought twice about it..



    Posted on I’m the grandson of a Southern Baptist preacher. Real hellfire-and-brimstone, drinking and smoking is bad M’kay Southern Baptists. Maybe that’s why I find this play so funny. If you can get away to see this, do so. are still available, but only for the Broadway production. The Chicago and Traveling productions won’t be around until next year, and a movie has been tabled indefinitely.“…see it now,” suggests the Village Voice, “or find yourself asking, ‘Dear God, how do I get tickets?” Sage advice, that.



    We drive because we live out in the country and homes are multiple acres apart. In order to get more than a handful of candy, we must go into town for parties and T-O-Ting.



    I read your post and wished I’d written it



    Keep on writing and chugging away!



    stab wounds…multiple…hmmmm sounds like someone was pissed off…motive couldnt have been a robbery for sure…oh well what can i say…i hope all da monies dats gonna be collected from vat will be used to get some professional detectives n a better resourceful forensics lab…that shud help slow down crime somewhat

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    I am really looking forward to the new book. I love how Marie furthers the story from different points of view and weaves quiltmaking in in a natural kind of way (rather than shoving it in to make the book a quilt book). I also love the pattern and the way you have shown it in different colorways. Great job!



    Great post… I like the idea of 1, 3 and 9!One of the first things I plan on doing is renting a motorbike and riding up to Doi Suthep, the mountain roads look amazing. I’m trying to sell my bike now for that little extra cash before I leave.  colin



    Yeah! So good to hear you are ok. So worried about you! Glad that everything is slowly getting back to normal. You will get your bearings soon. You showed a lot of courage! Good for you!



    adipex…This is a Supper Tariffic Happay Hour!!! Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic…



    Beautiful photos in this post!Yes, I have forced bulbs. I did a whole bunch of them a few years back and it was a lot of work actually so I haven’t done it again, but it is a fun project if you haven’t done it before. I did tulips, hyacinth, and grape hyacinth. They do take quite a while to come up-several weeks in the refrigerator for the cool, dark environment they need, and then several more weeks in the sunlight. It’s a good project to start in January. 🙂 My favorite spring flowers, hands down, are peonies!



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    Mr. Bill, I saw that article about Rubio also but don’t know exactly what the plan is; however, I have read elsewhere that any intentions to promote Rubio to V.P. or Pres.nominee will be met with strong rebuttal by us who understand the eligibility requirements. Has anyone heard for certain that his parents were not U.S. citizens when he was born? I have read somewhere that this issue has not been resolved.



    Hey, that’s a clever way of thinking about it.



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    Yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby–nice work!



    Evidemment, on va essayer de laisser un peu de temps à cet album, le laisser infuser avant de sortir la critique. Parce que le revirement est important. Le dernier morceau s'éloigne carrément des canons post-rock pour se rapprocher d'une certaine électro. Celle des Fuck Buttons, underworld, voire même quelques dinosaures big-beat. Ca fait plaisir en tous cas de voir un groupe faire exploser sa carapace.



    I guess I’m an Asker (or becoming more of one) – I often phrase it: “This is totally a Yes or No question, and either answer is perfectly okay with me”.I wonder if the Guessers don’t really believe that?



    Eric and I were looking at molding a really specialized plastic connector aimed for the high-end audio market. Milling the mold alone would have cost 10K.We shelved the project. Maybe we should look at making affordable chicken founts instead…



    Hi Dr.LicciardiI am 37, have 5th IUI. Stll don’t know the result of the last one ( it was a few days ago). Whit the first IUI I became pregnant without any medications and just one follicle, but had miscarriage in the sixth week.I used progesteron and my question is: Is it normal to have miscarriage when using progesterone? And: Was it reasonable to go to the next IUI right after the miscarriage? Thanks



    that, I will say this. Hillary Clinton will never get my vote. Ever. She stands for EVERYTHING I detest in the Democratic Party. She is a statist, collectivist elite who is convinced she knows what’s best for everyone else but never will, in actuality and who will not live by the same rules she forces the rest of us to accept.



    "Karena kontrak politik adalah sebuah program atau target, maka selayaknya sebelum pemilu dilaksanakan, isi kontrak politik antara parpol dan calon bupati diumumkan, bahkan diusung dalam kampanye sebagai salah satu nilai jual."setuju banget nih ama yang ini, makanya beli rumah sendiri, jangan asal ngontrak… hhe



    Super jazzed about getting that know-how.



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    Geez, that’s unbelievable. Kudos and such.



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    First off, I’m not even talking about Palestine. Don’t bring something up, that doesn’t need to be mentioned. This video was about Turkish-Israeli relations (as was my comment), Palestine was only mentioned briefly in the video.Secondly, who says that I don’t agree with you? I don’t necessarily think it is as easy as that, but the general idea is worth noting.

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    Insane, oh well, cross off Allan Jones as a possible supporter of the cause. He is just interested in sticking it up Labor. However don’t believe this stoush betweeen Chris Corrigan, the Liberals and the Federal Government. It is nothing but a ruse. Tony Abbott and the Liberals have supported the Government Intermodal up until recently. THey are now only opposing it for political purposes. I seriously believe that they will build it even when and or if they win the next election.



    skep (64)-“The American public is completely blind to the degree to which they are being robbed and it does not appear that the media understands the issue sufficiently to bring it to their attention”That is why we are both ignorant of the occurrence of this event and wholly deserving of whatever we get.



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    12/12/2010 – 12:43pmahh se me olvido lo que iba a decir..( normal con el ardor de estómago)ya empezamos a lamer culos a los rivales del barcelona…tamudo azote del barcelona.. siempre nos quedará el espanyol… es decir, el madrid gana ante todos si o si, y el barcelona puede perder contra todos si o si..esa película ya nos la contaron el año pasado y no resultó… no veo el calendario del madrid del todo bueno este año.. .me da que las segundas partes no fueron buenas, que se dediquen a jugar y se dejen de tonterías



    One day I'll have to tell you all about the friend of mine who sued Wal-Mart over an injury he sustained while trying to trap a mouse with a trap within the store.



    i have come up with a list of things that i would like you to have in your fridge, if not already.1.Coke2.Parmesan cheese3.Fresh milk4.Orange juice5.Eggs6.Spaghetti sauce7.JamAnd in your kitchen shelf,1.maggi mee2.spaghetti3.cashew nuts4.essence of chicken5.a few cans of longan/rambutan6.luncheon meat( eat in moderation)7.gardenia bread8.peanut butter.This is for your own good.



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    May 15, 2011 at 5:23 pmI haven’t read any garbage from you. You probably just have very high standards, which is great because even your “garbage” comes out nice. Reply



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    The voice of rationality! Good to hear from you.



    Hats off to whoever wrote this up and posted it.



    Money REALLY let someone looks pretty, marvelous etc. etc. because look at Tracey and his girl …mmmmm and Rosci could be Eddie’s daughter or not, so damn disgusting!



    Ha, it’s just starting to warm up here too, I wore my winter coat to school Monday, it’s May!! I shouldn’t be wearing my winter coat in May -_-and aww too bad about the spectator pumps making your feet hurt, were they too small? or just too narrow and stiff?



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    I just hope whoever writes these keeps writing more!



    Sehr schön beschrieben! Im Hamsterrad des Arbeitsnehmers habe auch ich viele Jahre verbacht. Seitdem ich Anfang dieses Jahres meine finanziell “sichere” Arbeitnehmertätigkeit gegen das vorerst kalte Wasser der Selbstständigkeit eingetauscht habe und meine Kunst nun leben kann, bin ich sehr glücklich.Glück kann man eben tatsächlich nicht kaufen Herzliche Grüße aus Düsseldorf!



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    I agree – but also bad writing on a sentence level continually pulls you out of the story. Whereas simply dull writing with a great story and characters doesn't.On this topic, I think it's time reviewers started talking about verse novels in the context of "is it good poetry?". A number of verse novels published in the past few years fail the poetry part miserably (just being chopped up prose) and I think this is the same as the bad writing you are talking about.



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    · I’ve wrote about this exact thing before. People look at me like I’ve gone crazy when I say I hate how technology can make me feel. I went to a concert at Alpine (since you are familiar with the Illinois/Wisconsin area, I can only assume you know the area.) I didn’t have my phone, camera, or anything else. I just had the music, nature, and love. I really need to incorporate more of that in to my life. Great post and wonderful reminder.



    Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.



    AWESOME ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally a bit of clarity to this highly criticized aspect of a Dispy understanding of OT Soteriology. It is the seed.I would argue that the NT apostles did understand this type of think. Take for example, 1 Pet 1.10–12. They don’t know the Messiah’s name, i.e., Jesus but they knew a Messiah was coming and constantly inquired of his personhood. It’s the seed.I think you nailed it!



    That’s an ingenious way of thinking about it.



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    Jennifurret, same is true if you compare alcohol in France vs US. Young Americans don’t know how to deal with alcohol because they’ve been repressed instead of taught. Then they suddenly are able to get drunk and do stupid things, which reinforces the repression on others.“Decency” and drinking laws are just about one thing: appeasing offended and frustrated people.



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