Uma tarde divertida no «Agora Nós»!

416 Comentários

Hoje estivemos no programa «Agora Nós», com a Tânia Ribas de Oliveira e o Zé Pedro Vasconcelos, e foi uma autêntica diversão, podem ver AQUI! ( a partir do minuto 18)

Tudo começou no camarim, com a Matilde excitadíssima com as luzes e as maquilhagens!

Depois, foi aquilo que vocês podem ver! Resolveram lavar a chupeta, as vezes necessárias até não sobrar um único micróbio e, como se esta sessão de limpeza não chegasse, ainda andaram a limpar a mesa. Até que a Matilde, imbuída do espírito de estrela, resolveu subir ao palco, ou melhor, à mesa, e deixar tudo sujo outra vez!!!

Foi, sem dúvida, uma tarde cheia de gargalhadas!

Look Babys: Gocco Almada e Coimbra  roupa e Pisamonas sapatos

Look Mum: Chocolat Colours
unnamed-6 unnamed-5 unnamed-4 unnamed-4 unnamed-6 unnamed-7 unnamed-8unnamed-3 unnamed-2 unnamed-2 unnamed-1 unnamed-5

Hora das brincadeiras durante a semana!
A importância de uma casa limpa!
416 Comentários
  • carolina melo


    ADORO a Matilde é uma traquinas! são lindo os quatro , de derreter, parabéns Papás

    • Mariana Seara Cardoso

      Obrigada! ❤️❤️

  • Vidasdanossavida


    Tiveram sorte de nenhum deles partir um copo! O meu filho mais novo no primeiro programa desta temporada, no dia do regresso da Tânia, partiu logo um copo! Mas eles (Tânia e Zé) são uns bem dispostos e têm imenso jeito com crianças! Também foi uma diversão:))

    • Mariana Seara Cardoso

      As crianças fazem a festa! ❤️❤️

  • Isabel


    São um máximo mariana , da vontade de encher de beijos são mesmo lindos o Tomás tão sossegado e a Matilde tão energética, adorei adorei e parece ser uma mãe cá das minhas bem descontraída Parabéns mais uma vez por esta família linda

    • Mariana Seara Cardoso

      Obrigada Isabel! ❤️❤️
      Sou de facto descontraída, tem de ser com 4, para não ficar maluca!

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      The decision to get rid of sadam was made long before anyone heard of George Bush. The Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998 was signed by Bill Clinton. It stated that it was the official policy of the US that sadam presented a threat to the security of this country and he was to be disposed of and a democratic government was to replace his regime. The last article in this Act stated the real reason we are there: to help Iraq’s creditors secure payment of Iraq’s debt that sadam repudiated. This is the cause of all wars, they are forclosure actions.


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      Hi Dolly,Nice to see you popping in here! Have you ever used journaling as a way to curate? I’ve heard other people tell me they have, but I’m interested to hear a real journaling pro’s thoughts on it.


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      I would agree, Julia: flow rolling, at least as I understand it, is not the same thing at all. Flow rolling is a drill for loosening up and getting people to experiment. When I teach class, I try to always end the sparring section with a round of flow rolling: I find it also helps to calm down aggression. is what I think of as flow rolling. As ever, most likely just a matter of semantics.


      Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!


      I thank you humbly for sharing your wisdom JJWY


      November 18, 2010 at 2:20 pmMark,Great point. You are selling a piece of your personality. Given that the work week for most people does take up a significant chunk of their lives, it’s important to make sure its something they enjoy. Reply


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      Is the word "black" now a word that white candidates cannot use when they're running against a, mmmm, how do I say it, mmm, noir opponent?During those long hours on the road in Greyhound 1, will the Obama team break out the cards and play hearts? They can't let it get around that they play spades.


      Hugues Caroline, Mon cousin Christophe viens de me contacter , il arrive avec toute sa famille dans 3 jours à Joa Pessoa …je leur ai donné le nom de votre bateau …Le leur se nomme MELINA 1 , merci pour toutes ces belle histoires et les beaux films …la biseHugues


      The Vikas Swarup book seems very interesting. Will get it from Eloor library once I am through with my current log of books.And reading HP 6 was largely an uneven experience. The ending was great. Some of the parts were pretty boring, though. Let me know what you think once you finish the book.


      給Kris與phantoms:你們的指的好像是兩件事耶…基本上就是:『偽科學』→ 不具可否證性→ 結論:就邏輯上無意義。『未科學』→ 不具可否證性→ 結論:就社會事實貢獻上有意義。對於精神分析的『不可否證性』這點我想大家都有共識應該不必再多做解釋了>_@還有另一個事實就是『我想幹我娘』對社會真的沒什麼意義XDDDD,可惜精神分析≠我想幹我娘,不然雞蛋糕先生就能完勝結束這回合!另外phantoms依我觀察你也是阿宅吧?(單純只是想共鳴一下>\\\\\\<)


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      AHHH! So cute! I love Simply Be, I've never gotten a dress from them that didn't fit my curves in the right ways. Oh I just love it with those purple leggings. I've gotta stop being scared to wear bright colored leggings.grrr! 


      , ‘This bug don’t chew and spit up its cud like the other one.’ ‘Naw,’ the second fella tells him. This one is a non-compost mantis.’ »Si je pouvais réussir a faire cette blague en espagnol standard sans lester le livre avec deux notes au bas de la page, faudra-t-il la retraduire en mexicain par une simple question d’orgueil national blessé? J’en doute.


      pisze:UrzÄ…dzenie dobre. Ale autorze, jeÅ›li używasz tylko 2 kanałów to nie wymawiaj słów „kino domowe” ;).Natomiast co do wykorzystania 5.1 – tak, wiÄ™kszość „Å›ciÄ…ganych” filmów ma 2 kanaÅ‚y, ale najczęściej zakodowane w Dolby Prologic, wiÄ™c prosty software’owy dekoder i masz już dźwiÄ™k przestrzenny na 6 gÅ‚oÅ›ników. W zasadzie wszystkie filmy na dvd majÄ… 5.1, a nawet do Å›ciÄ…gniÄ™cia sÄ… i takie 6 kanaÅ‚owe filmy. Inna sprawa, gry – tam dźwiÄ™k przestrzenny to chleb powszedni. OsobiÅ›cie, nawet muzykÄ™ sÅ‚ucham w trybie poszerzania przestrzeni dźwiÄ™ku i wszystkie 6 gÅ‚oÅ›ników hula, bo tak lubiÄ™.


      Heckuva good job. I sure appreciate it.

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      That’s a smart answer to a tricky question


      September 20, 2009Qusii! I miss you so much. Thank you, m’dear, for your reassuring words. I know I have genuine friends, mumsy, and a hubby, that truly love me, and they won’t ever turn their back on me (this includes YOU). I think about you often and thought about calling you. I think I will sometime soon. Oh, we also popped in Shadow of the Colossus a few nights ago and thought of you. We love that game so! <3


      I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.


      That actually was quite painful. Try, “A dyslexic walks into a bra” and leave it at that.To go to a really geeky extreme, “A fat quark walks into a bar, BARTENDER: You look Charming today”… A handfull of people get that joke and they all have hadrons right now You are so wonderful just the way you are. Don’t go changin’


      Oh boy, I totally know what you mean. I have OCD, so every little thing that Charlie does that is a possible symptom of OCD sets off my panic mode. It's really, really hard to step back and look at it objectively sometimes.

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      I’m actually a pedagogista in the child care field, specifically in the Reggio Emilia approach. Anti-bias curriculum was one of my passions as a classroom teacher and something that has become so much a part of my teaching practice that it was natural that it would be part of my work supporting teachers. I got my job by being a teacher in Reggio-Emilia classrooms for six years with children between the ages of 2 and 10 and having the skills, disposition and training to work one-on-one with adults (and by being in the right place at the right time, trusting my vision and advocating for the position).


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      The expertise shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.


      I actually found this more entertaining than James Joyce.


      I love Faith’s blog. She’s everything Kerf is not — She’s intellectually curious; is adventurous — in life *and* in the kitchen; writes interesting and creative posts; has a real job; is truly kind and caring with her wide-range of friends and family (and husband). I imagine that in Kerf’s small-minded world she may be a bit *scared* of Faith’s fun, adventurous, outside-the-box spirit.


      One more issue is that video games can be serious in nature with the key focus on learning rather than leisure. Although, it has an entertainment aspect to keep your children engaged, just about every game will likely be designed to develop a specific group of skills or program, such as mathmatical or scientific disciplines. Thanks for your article.


      Pyotr, I agree that no one should be singled out as a scapegoat.I believe a more constructive approach will identify:– tactics by which well-funded, often-divorced, antigay-amendment supporters succeeded in convincing voters that undermining and regulating marriage would somehow protect the institution– shortcomings in organized opposition to the amendments


      I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.


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      Very insightful. Do you have a source for:“near-perfect correlation between the years when the government intervenes in input markets – effectively, when the Malawian government subsidizes fertilizers – and the years when Malawi is a net food exporter to the extent that it can pay for the entire subsidy several times over”


      I read somewhere that no one knows what she really looked like (hence the cover with her face turned). It looks a little romancey though (the cover gives that impression) but it's sold well so what do I know?


      André, até me subiu a tensão quando li "História da Banda Desenhada Mundial (a sair para o ano pelo Circulo de Leitores em 20 volumes!!!)". Da-se (pensei logo), não sei nada sobre isto!hehehe, bela tanga, sim senhor…SE TORNAS A FAZER ISTO, NÃO SEI NÃO! hehehe.

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      anon–i don't know who you are or why you post like this. you provide nothing positive to the discussions here, ever, and all you do is bait AB, who is too weak not to respond. go away.also: "so this is a schizophrenic discussion between different personalities?"wrong–schizophrenia is not the same thing as multiple personality disorder–you need to learn the difference and use the right words. this is commonly misused and perpetuates ignorance. but i can't say i've seen them used in the same sentence so wrongly.


      Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.


      Ah yes, nicely put, everyone.

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      Hahaha, achso, die Rechtschreibfehler waren also Absicht Ich muss grad echt stark drüber lachen xD Du solltest dich mal ein bisschen entspannen, verlangt ja keiner, dass du es gut findest, wenn Alte und Kranke von Abhängigen ausgeraubt werden…ist ja auch nichts Gutes dran. Du solltest ganz einfach ein bisschen weniger pauschalisieren …und dir bessere Bezeichnungen, als “Opferkind” einfallen lassen. Unkreativ!

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      Irin / I used to be so addicted to Angry Birds, I had to see a doctor for stiff wrist! But mistaking pork for “green” brings things to a whole new dimension. If I ever get to that stage, I will provide a live update


      jimmy i think your over exaggerating 4-6 months? your supplies run out after 90 days. ssn do have longer endurance than ssk but not that much. stop dreaming buddy.


      Articles like this really grease the shafts of knowledge.


      Hey, good to find someone who agrees with me. GMTA.


      "Ezekiel 33:8 When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.Matthew 23But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel


      , “What’s the point? There are so many you can’t help them all” The little girl says, “that is true, but I can make a difference for a few”. Little help is better than no help at all… I’m so glad you’re home safe and back with your family. Thanks for sharing your trip with us all…! ~ Dawn


      Keep it coming, writers, this is good stuff.


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      Hee hee. The danger is when the song gets stuck in your head. Then you might unconsciously start singing it out loud at the mall or something and people will look at you funny I’m glad you enjoy it. Thanks for the comment!


      That really captures the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.


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      , without even knowing if they’d actual enjoy the game or not.You see this in pretty much all reviews.People who have not played the games reviewed, and are just assuming, because the review told them to, like sheep.f


      de l´Est je pomÄ›rnÄ› velké, pokud jde o podzemí, takže vám nedokážu nÄ›jak konkrétnÄ› odpovÄ›dÄ›t – ale sledujte prostÄ› ukazatele nad hlavou, určitÄ› nebudete mít problém stanici najít, metro je velmi dobÅ™e Å™eÅ¡ené.K té výluce – těžko nÄ›jak hodnotit, protože co se francouzských výluk dopravy týče, teorie se může dost liÅ¡it od praxe 😀 KaždopádnÄ›, z toho odkazu to opravdu vypadá, že ve vyjmenované dny RER na letiÅ¡tÄ› nejede.

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      "forshay" is a reference to the James A. Foshay Learning Center — i.e., another school. Schools are never named "school" anymore.The only exception I can think of among newish schools is Oaks Christian School in Westlake Village, CA where Will Smith, Wayne Gretzky, and Joe Montana have sent their kids.


      The view on education in the US is highly individualized:the focus especially in unschooling is whether one kid is interested in the subject. If this person is not interested in Math or orthography then it is not important, the interest of the individual is taken as the guiding line, not the interest of society to educate all of their members as best as possible and give them skills ( skills which might not initially line up with their personal interests).


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      adrian, I think phrases like “bloated public service”, “queue-jumper” and, let’s face it squarely, “capitalist running-dog” trip so easily off the tongue because the speaker’s mouth (or writer’s hand) is directly connected to the lizard-brain without involving the frontal lobes.


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      I finally got around to listening to the Rebecca Gordon interview; thanks so much for posting that. I’m an architect who hears music when viewing architectural representation (drawings and models), and I often see structures and buildings when viewing sheet music or hearing an actual piece of music. I have a musical background, and at some level, I suppose music and architecture are all the same to me. It’s really interesting to hear about Rebecca’s ability with charts and exciting to hear that she is working with a composer to produce the actual music. Thanks again! Great to find this on your site.

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